Showing results for ‘postpartum recovery’
Blog Posts
25 results-
Ontario Birthworker Begins Offering Vaginal Steam Services to Clients After Experiencing Her Own Accelerated Postpartum Recovery
Author: Steamy Chick Published: November 13, 2019 Geneva is a mother of three, wife,… -
Benefits of Pelvic Steam for Postpartum Recovery
The most common and universal use of vaginal steaming around the world is for… -
Vaginal Steaming in Haiti
Vaginal steaming is commonplace in Haiti. A level of doula training is common through…
3 results-
Certified Steamcare Provider, CSP: Level 3 Payment Plan
Number of payments: 33·
Courses released every time you make a payment.
Choose how often you would like to make payments – every week, two weeks or month.
$97.00 -
Certified Steamcare Provider, CSP: Level 3
Level 3 certification is the most extensive, highest-level training available on the topic of perineal steaming. Known as Peristeam Hydrotherapists, level 3 providers learn how to use steam as a natural form of obstetrics and gynecology offering customized steam therapy plans for numerous health issues. Using evidence-based research, the specific areas of steam therapy training include: abnormal uterine bleeding, infections, endometriosis, period pain, absent periods, long cycles, short cycles, irregular cycles, surgery recovery, surgery alternatives, fibroids, cysts (including PCOS), polyps, adhesions, menarche, labial adhesion, labor preparation, overdue labor, postpartum recovery, pelvic organ prolapse, fistulas, hemorrhoids, rectum issues, fertility, pregnancy loss, pain during sex, rape response, sexual trauma recovery, menopause and postmenopause. Level 3 steamcare providers are highly trained specialists who work with clients alone or in cooperation with their primary healthcare providers to offer holistic options for advanced health issues.
$4,947.00 -
PH09: Postpartum Vaginal Steaming
Advanced steamcare plans for complete postpartum recovery.
Steam User Types
1 result-
Definition: Postpartum is the time period after giving birth. It is a natural time the…
Steam Stories
4 results-
Steam User RD1987
Health Concern: I was pregnant at the time and wanted to use steaming to prepare my… -
Steam User AJEK88
Health Concern: I was interested in pelvic steaming as a way to gently prepare my body… -
Steam User MHG1992
Health Concern: I had only heard of it while I was pregnant that it could help…