Vaginal Steaming in South Korea
Vaginal steaming is a commonplace practice in South Korea. Called chai yok vaginal steaming is done in spas and in clinics. In Korea there are
Reflections from the steam box.
Vaginal steaming is a commonplace practice in South Korea. Called chai yok vaginal steaming is done in spas and in clinics. In Korea there are
First hand account by Shani Rafael (@moonisteam): My grandmother is from Iran Tehran the capital, it’s my dad side, she learned this from her mother
The practice can be called different things for different iwi (tribes) but in basics is called Tara Korohū (Vaginal steaming). Māori use a umuroa (steam
Vaginal steaming is commonplace in Haiti. A level of doula training is common through the culture so women are able to support each other through
Vaginal Steam Practitioner Starr Dawkins runs a spa in Florida named The Sweet Cookie V-Spa (sweetcookies.org). Starr originally learned from her grandmother who is from
“I just wanted to share with you that in Trinidad and Tobago (my country) I remember seeing my grandmother have my aunt sit on a
“In Puerto Rico (also caribbean) was practiced by the indigenous woman and it was called “bajos” pronounced bah-ho they did it with local plants called
“Just found out from a co-worker here in the Caribbean on the islands of St. Kitts vaginal steaming was done and it was called bawkin.
“I asked my 77 year old, Columbian mother-in-love if she remembered any of the women in her family steaming their vaginas (she grew up on
“My great grandma was a shaman/herbswoman/midwife.. and she loved a good steam and river meditation.” -Contributed by Yohanna Baez “Vaginal steaming is used for postpartum
Vaginal steaming is used as a postpartum healing method for one month after giving birth. -Contributed by Ghanaian friend
“At my study abroad program in Kenya there was a presentation on Masaai women indigenous practices. I recall learning that they used to steam with
“I was born in Lithuania and yes we use vaginal steaming there!! It’s as ordinary as brushing teeth. When I wrote that it is as
“My husband is Syrian Bedouin, born in a tent and I asked his family and they also had a type of womb steaming for the
Vaginal steaming is performed as postpartum care by traditional midwives in Orinoco among the Garifuna community. Contrubuted by Calistra Sambola
“My mom introduced me to steaming when I was a teenager. Vaginal steaming was popular in Poland too! My mom used to do it and
Vaginal steaming is a traditional practice in Zimbabwe. Local company Wild Child Republic owner offers steam stools and herbal blends passed down from her grandmother.
Vaginal steaming is a traditional practice for postpartum especially in rural areas. -Contributed by Congolese friend, October 2019
Vaginal steaming is commonplace in Eritrea. Every house has an adobe in the yard for women where they use myrrh and other herbs to smoke.
“My family is from Laoag, a city/province in iLocos Norte, Philippines. As I’ve said earlier, vaginal steaming, as well as womb massages (especially after child
“I knew about yoni steaming from my grandmother, I used it when I had a bladder infection and I never had that again. But we
“My mother in law is from Laos right next to Thailand. (I’m American) After the birth of my son, my mother in law boiled a
Contributor: “My Swedish sister-in-law said that her mother taught her to steam with chamomile and horsetail to address UTIs.” – Jeannie Elmstrom
There are first hand accounts of vaginal steaming in Guanajuato and Michoacan for postpartum care. It is also used for healing disease among men and
“I’m from Angola south West Africa. Here women have been steaming after birth for many years. But because we became a colony most traditions have
Vaginal steaming is common in Cambodia for postpartum care. It is done daily for 3 months postpartum and is believed the reason why Cambodian mothers
Vaginal steaming is called berganggang and is commonplace. It is done by postpartum caretakers or at the spa. More Information: Sharon – MummyBabyCare.Com.Sg
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NAKUŘOVÁNÍ ŽENSTVÍ. Ženy Himba si každé vonným kouřem čistí tělo. Nadrtí byliny, oheň vloží pod konstrukci na kterou přitisknou dolní část těla. Nemyji se. Voda
Layla B. – founder of The Nafsa Project School(TNPS) has been doing online and in-person trainings under the guidance of local Moroccan “Qablas” (midwives) to
“The other day I discovered in an old old French book on native medicinal plants of France, a passage where we talk about vaginal steam
Ayush Jyoti — ayurvedic medical supplier offers a “verechan” steam chair that says that it is beneficial for back issues and infertility.
The practice of pelvic steaming in China is an ancient and modern practice. There is a long written history of steam use in ancient textbooks. Acupuncturist
Trained by practitioner Monika Valova of steamy.cz vaginal steaming is used in the maternity wards of Czech hospitals in order to expedite labor and prevent
June Kaewsith shares the photo above and her training with traditional Thai midwife Homprang (www.homprang.com) in her blog Birthing a New World.