Dr. Tosha Rogers @blackdocruth Offers in-house steaming and recommends it to all clients for maintenance. More info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLLszekrFqA
Reflections from the steam box.
Dr. Tosha Rogers @blackdocruth Offers in-house steaming and recommends it to all clients for maintenance. More info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLLszekrFqA
Dr. Divya Ram: drdivyaram.com Training to learn more about how pelvic steaming can help her patients.
Dr. Jennifer Lang IG: @drjenniferlang “…if there are alternative or complementary therapies that are out there that the patients/clients claim that have helped them and
Dr. Eden Fromberg IG: @dredenfromberg Recommends steaming to clients. Has in-house steam spa.
Dr. Stephanie Rose Yan Recommends steaming for rectum and prolapse issues. www.folkmdwanderer.com www.islandfamilysurgeon.com
Dr. Gowri Motha @gentlebirthmethod Recommends family members or doulas learn to steam in-home during postpartum. www.gentlebirthmethod.com
Dr. Laurena White @theeudaimoniacenter Steam Facilitator on staff to offer in-house steaming to clients www.laurenawhite.com
Dr. Morgan West IG: @drwestobgyn Refers out to steam practitioner IG: @rootedearth_apothecary
Dr. Nathan Riley @nathanrileyobgyn Refers clients to steam therapist (Peristeam Hydrotherapist). Collaborator Program for steam holistic practitioners.
A great model for OB/GYNs and Steam Practitioners is to work together like Dentists and Dental Hygienists. Same team. Better outcomes. Â Some OB/GYNs are