Steam Opposition #1: People Shouldn’t Steam Because it Can Burn
Dr. Laurena White Responds: “That is true. Steam can burn. If you’re not properly trained to work with steam even in your kitchen it can
Reflections from the steam box.
Dr. Laurena White Responds: “That is true. Steam can burn. If you’re not properly trained to work with steam even in your kitchen it can
Dr. Laurena White Responds: “There are so many things that need to be treated that aren’t in the uterus. You could have multiple cysts that
Dr. Laurena White Responds: “That is right. There is no scientific evidence it works. And also, I have about a hundred patients who are glad
Dr. Laurena White Responds: “The uterus and the vagina are self-cleansing when they’re operating optimally. But if there’s any type of malfunction or dysfunction in
Dr. Laurena White Responds: “Vaginal steaming extends far beyond a cleansing modality. It has nothing to do with cleanliness at all. Steaming is really a
Dr. Laurena White Responds: “That is a possibility if you’re steaming yourself and don’t know what herbs you’re using and you are steaming too long
Dr. Laurena White Responds: “No. I can’t…Again, I want people to realize, steaming is water. Like, water that comes from a faucet and it’s hot.
Before the rise of modern Western gynecology in the 1800s, vaginal steaming was one of the main methods of treatment for female reproductive health. People
Dr. Laurena White is an OB/GYN with a specialization in reproductive endocrinology and acupuncture. She is the founder of the an incredibly unique practice in