Health Concern:
I had only heard of it while I was pregnant that it could help with postpartum recovery. Because birth can be hard on our bodies I was very interested in anything that would help the process of recovery.
Improvements Since Steaming:
I steamed for about 30 days in a row postpartum, starting around the 5th day postpartum. My first steam I noticed that I immediately relaxed and felt an overall sense of well-being, and I looked forward to my steam everyday because of the stress relief it brought me. When I went to my 10 day check-up, my mid-wife was surprised to see that I had stopped bleeding completely, since I had bled so much during the birth. My mid-wife has been worried because of the amount of blood I lost during the birth and because she has to physically clean out my uterus (part of the placenta would not come out by itself). I have made a complete full recovery with absolutely no complications. I credit steaming with the fast rate of my recovery and my improved mood postpartum- I had postpartum depression with my first child and nothing with my second. I can only see that being taken care of really well during the first month postpartum and steaming during that time was the biggest difference. I will continue to steam regularly and use it for any gynecological issues that I have in the future.
Source: Pelvic Steam Testimonial Database