Related Steam Stories

Steam Story: I’ve seen incredible results with steam therapy both in myself and my clients! I used it to completely heal my cramps and cysts

Steam Story: I found out about vaginal steaming from a friend a few years ago and I loved the idea of being able to healing

Steam Story: I was first introduced to pelvic steaming in 2014 as a way to help with frequent herpes outbreaks and rape recovery. Fast forward

Steam Story: Before I found vaginal steaming, my only tools were talking and touching. Touch is very powerful when it comes to feeling yourself in

Steam Story: I got in touch with Vaginal Steaming during my Womb Shamanca education. I tried it and knew at once, that I already did

Steam Story: Dr. Theresa Pulickal is a Physical Therapist and Western Trained Clinician that treats pelvic floor dysfunctions. When she learned how much steaming could

Steam Story: I’ve been on quite the journey with my own difficult periods (frequent flood bleeding, crazy large clots, lots of pain) and found the

Steam Story: I first found out about vaginal steaming when researching alternative methods of healing after being misdiagnosed for years at my gyn office &

Steam Story: I suffered with menstrual and female issue majority of my life. After having my third child, doctor’s told me, “Just get a hysterectomy”

Steam Story: I fell in love with my personal vaginal steaming practice and its ability to work with the physical, emotional, and spiritual. I healed

Steam Story: In 2018 I was searching for something. I was mothering two young boys, working full-time in the corporate world, and felt I was

Steam Story: In early 2017 I discovered Keli of Steamy Chick via Melinda Alexander on Instagram. I was trying to get pregnant with my second

Steam Story: I began steaming after the birth of my son. I suffered from perineum tearing, hemmorhoids, and ppd/ppa. Steaming reintroduced me to myself. It

Steam Story: I came to pelvic steaming to resolve personal years-long issues. These were painful and irregular periods, infections (BV, HPV, UTI, pilonidal cysts), painful

Steam Story: I love vaginal steaming as a gentle root embodiment practice, a way of softening into pleasure and presence in the vagina and pelvic

Steam Story: I initially learned steam through my Ayurvedic training at Shakti School. I utilize vaginal steaming for myself regularly and have found it to

Steam Story: I learned about the time-honored practice of vaginal steaming from my training in the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy. At first, UI

Steam Story: I was introduced to vaginal steaming by an elder 20 years ago when suffering from chronic candida infections. It was incredible and transformative.

Steam Story: My first time steaming was at a Korean Sauna after having my second child. I didn’t really understand the benefits back then so

Steam Story: I personally began steaming in 2018 in an effort to balance my hormones and take control of an extremely painful, unpredictable, and heavy

Steam Story: I first learned about vaginal steaming through my Mayan abdominal massage therapist in 2017. After just 1 steam, I saw a huge shift

Steam Story: When I began steaming I noticed healing right away, both physical and emotional. Most notably, my emotional connection to my vagina, cervix, womb

Steam Story: My journey with steaming began years ago when I started researching and experimenting with the practice of steaming in a very at-home fashion.

Steam Story: I first heard about steaming from a friend who was a doula and tried it myself with lavender and felt SO serene after;

Steam Story: I did learn about steaming in the STREAM Education program of Kimberly A. Johnson and Ellen Heed (Scar Tissue Work). I use steaming

Steam Story: I discovered vaginal steaming at a Womb Healing workshop with Indigemama in Long Beach, CA. She sent us home with a jar of

Steam Story: I find out about the training for post partum doula’s. I use it myself and for my cliënts. Website: Additional Wellness

Steam Story: I learned that women would steam postpartum and that it has been a tradition in many cultures for years. I use steaming for

Steam Story: I’ve noticed in myself and clients the benefits of regulating the cycles, reducing pain, cramping, and much more. I believe every Woman should

Steam Story: As a doula, one of my clients was using vaginal steaming during her postpartum healing time; she told me about the process and

Steam Story: My life and work has been dedicated to the exploration and study of both modern and traditional feminine healing arts. Vaginal and Perineum

Steam Story: I first discovered vaginal steaming almost 20 years ago when a Chinese Medicine practitioner prescribed it for me. It was very powerful and

Steam Story: What initially brought me to steaming were my painful periods ~ and then slowly I realized how deeply connected steaming led me to

Steam Story: I found out about vaginal steaming after having my hysterectomy in 2017. I was researching healing after hysterectomy and came across this modality.

Steam Story: My name is Dash. I found out about vaginal steaming through tragedy in 2019. I had experienced an ectopic pregnancy and had an

Steam Story: Hello, I’m so glad you found me here, my name is Katie Bradshaw. I am a Physical Therapist with 2 decades of clinical

Steam Story: I am so excited to offer steaming as a part of my womens health focused acupuncture practice. I love that there are so

Steam Story: I first learned about vaginal steaming from patients some years back. I use vaginal steaming to help women improve their health, based on

Steam Story: Years ago I came across the website and the rest is history. I was so impressed. It all started over 45 years

Steam Story: Vaginal steaming has been such a blessing in my life since I started. When I first started, my main goal was to energetically