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Steam Story: Website:https://mysticmomma.net Additional Wellness Services:Midwife Nurse Practitioner
Steam Story: I discovered steaming about 5 years ago. I was amazed by the healing qualities. I use it myself for health. I want others
Steam Story: Healing from birth trauma, I learned how important being in a positive relationship with our pelvic area is. I discovered and learned to
Steam Story: I first heard about the benefits of vaginal steaming years ago but never tried it myself until last year and fell in love
Steam Story: I was searching for natural help with infections, like yeast and UTI. That´s how I found Keli and her education at steamy chick.
Steam Story: I learned about vaginal steaming from my great grandmother who was a midwife. As soon as we had our cycles we were allowed
Steam Story: I found out about steaming a few years ago. I was working in a hospital-based clinic and a few patients asked about steaming
Steam Story: I heard about vaginal steaming from elders in a few indigenous communities when I started my midwifery journey and was always curious. I
Steam Story: I had a large group of patients steaming or interested in steaming and I wanted to become more knowledgeable about the practice.
Steam Story: I actually found out about vaginal steaming from my patients. I am a Women’s Health Nurse practitioner. My patients were using it for
Steam Story: I recently discovered steaming practices as part of the postpartum rituals a new parent takes part in as part of the healing process.
Steam Story: I learned about steaming in a red tent from an elder. I steam for everything- preventative health, emotional balance, energy release, reduction of
Steam Story: As a midwife, I had been searching for something to encourage womb-wellness prior to pregnancy, and stumbled upon Steamy Chick. I instantly knew
Steam Story: I first heard about steaming from my cousin, and after trying it myself with amazing results I certified with Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute so
Steam Story: I discovered vaginal steaming while studying traditional postpartum healing practices. After two difficult postpartum experiences, I wanted as much information as I could