While no formal scientific studies on how vaginal steaming impacts fibroids have been conducted, there are many cases where someone has reported a measurable decrease in fibroid size after consistent vaginal steaming.
This has been the case with intramural, subserosal, pedunculated and submucosal fibroids. It appears that steaming increases the overall circulation in the uterus and optimizes its function, which might help the uterus better disintegrate fibroids on it’s own.
An alternative theory is that the steam could be dissolving fibroid matter or helping dislodge fibroids while clearing old menses and residue from the womb.
As far as which herbs are necessary - this is not determined by your fibroids or cysts. As mentioned above it is likely the circulatory effect of the steam that has benefit for helping to reduce fibroids in size. This effect occurs whether or not using herbs. Herbs can, however, add benefit.
The herbs best for each user are determined by your Period Profile. Determining this before selecting herbs can help ensure that each person gets the right herbs tailored for their needs.
Users who have ongoing bleeding, for example, need herbs that are hemostatic in nature (reduce or stop bleeding). Users who have missing periods need emmanagogue herbs (herbs that start menses). Even though both of these user types might have fibroids they would need different herb formulas.
The best way to find out the best herbs for you would be to do a consultation with a Peristeam Hydrotherapist who can do a Period Profile Analysis. They will also give a steam setup and schedule targeted at the fibroids and cysts. For uterine disorders of this type it is recommended to work with them for 3-6 consecutive months in a row. Many Peristeam Hydrotherapist clients experience complete resolution of cysts and reduced fibroids in that time frame.