What are the benefits of Postpartum Vaginal Steaming?
There aren’t any studies on postpartum vaginal steaming so I did one. Watch to find out the results – @fourthtrimestervaginalsteam
Reflections from the steam box.
There aren’t any studies on postpartum vaginal steaming so I did one. Watch to find out the results – @fourthtrimestervaginalsteam
Listen to this crazy story from the Pelvic Steam Testimonial Database to find out why. Also, be nice to women. They’re going through some stuff.
The top question I always get is what herbs to use for vaginal steaming. The thing is…it depends. Let me explain.
Wanna know what you need for a vaginal steam setup? Watch it until the end to find out how to hide it when guests are
Her pain was so bad doctor wanted to do a hysterectomy but after just 2 months of vaginal steaming all her period pain went away.
This is the top question I get about postpartum vaginal steaming. It’s on day….well, it depends. Watch to find out..
I steamed for both my labors. It’s the best. Watch this video to find out why.
I steamed for both my labors. It’s the best. Watch this video to find out why.
You’ll never guess where she learned about steaming. Follow @hastalaluna8 key words: colombia, prison, labor
Discussing where vaginal steaming is from and how to use the vaginal steam world map to learn more about steaming around the world.
Tackling a couple myths today. It’s not true that there are not any studies on vaginal steaming and it’s not true that vaginal steaming causes
This book was written by the first female European professor of women’s medicine in the 11th century and it’s filled with vaginal steam formulas.
The steam touches way more areas than just the vagina. Let’s look at this anatomy model.