It is common to add herbs to a vaginal steam session. There are four main steam herb formulas. By design all herbal formulas are likely to increase circulation and decrease old residue because of the steam itself. In addition to the steam, however, users will want to use an herbal formula with properties that match their cycle and body signs rather than use a one-size-fits-all approach.
All the herbal blends formulated by Peristeam Hydrotherapist Institute certified practitioners use a base formula to bring out dominant herb properties. Below are the four herbal formulas defined by the Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute.
Dominant Herb Properties: Hemostatic, Qi tonic
For: Short Cycles (27 days or fewer)
Steam User Type: Uterine Fatigue Imbalance
Dominant Herb Properties: cool-natured, emollient, kidney tonic, blood tonic
For: hot flashes, nightsweats, vaginal dryness, dry-natured infections, blood and kidney yin deficiency.
Steam User Type: Excess Heat Imbalance, Blood Deficiency Imbalance, Dryness Imbalance
Dominant Herb Properties: antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial
For: Irregular discharge (green, thick, yellow, malodorous)
Steam User Type: Dampness Imbalance
Dominant Herb Properties: emmenagogue, blood mover, circulatory
For: Menstrual cycle lengths (28 days or longer), Absent Periods
Steam User Type: Stagnation Imbalance
Often people want to know which blend is best for fibroids, or infertility, infections or some other specific concern. It’s hard to determine without an intake form because, for example, some people struggling with infertility have short cycles and need herbs with hemostatic properties to help delay the period start date. Others with infertility have absent periods and need herbs that help to initiate the period.
The herbal property needs of these different infertility user types are completely opposite. Each user getting the herbal properties individual to their needs is what may likely help with fertility. It would be counterproductive for them to use the other users herbs. For this reason, it’s important to focus on the steam user type and use herbs with the properties that potentially correct their specific imbalances. Doing an initial screening with practitioner is advised to find out which herb formula is most suitable.
Essential oils are not recommended for vaginal steaming as they are highly concentrated in strength and can be irritating or drying to delicate tissues. It is best to work with fresh or dried whole herbs.