Related Steam Stories

Steam Story: Before I found vaginal steaming, my only tools were talking and touching. Touch is very powerful when it comes to feeling yourself in

Steam Story: My great grandmother was a midwife and she mentioned about the use of steam and herbs after labour to my mother. She learned

Steam Story: I found out about steaming when I was pregnant with my second baby. I instantly knew I wanted to try steaming in order

Steam Story: I found steaming by accident in a sacred women’s circle in Guatemala and since then have been transformed by this simple practice. My

Steam Story: Hello, I am an osteopath and naturopath specialized in women and my researches brought me to vaginal steaming to add even more tools

Steam Story: I learned about steaming from my great-grandmother and her siblings when I was a child. I grew up picking various herbs to steam

Steam Story: I first started vaginal steaming many years ago to address hormonal imbalances related to the menstrual cycle, with the help of an acupuncturist.

Steam Story: J’ai découvert la pratique du sauna périnéal lors du séminaire avec Karine Langlois @quantikmama en 2019. Depuis je me suis formée auprès de

Steam Story: I am always in pursuit of ancient practices that allow to bring greater balance and health to the body. This practice brought just