Steam Story:
I began my steaming journey when I did my postpartum doula training, 5 months after giving birth. This was the first I had heard about it and it sounded so amazing. Fast forward 3 years, incredible full time mummy duties and being fully immersed in gentle conscious parenting, my little boy started school and I gradually started working again.
As a holistic beauty therapist, I offer massages and facials using totally natural handmade products combined with intuitive healing. I also opened a women’s wellness center with some colleagues. Our team specializes in treatments ranging from fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, scar tissue, shamanic womb healing, reflexology, osteopathy to name a few. I felt called to add to that and compliment it and the steaming called me, I asked a doula friend if she knew of any really good courses and of course she sent me to Steamy Chick. I had been following Steamy Chick on instagram for a while and took the plunge to learn. It is amazing, I am so glad I did!
Through all of this time my own personal journey was rumbling in the background. I have suffered for years with fibroids, polpys and a t shaped uterus and from all that, infertility. Multiple surgery’s, medication two lots of IVF and miraculously I had a natural conception, normal pregnancy and incredible birth.
Since then I have been diagnosed with adenomyosis, which gives me horrendous periods and awful bladder issues. My uterus is twice the size it should be and it impacts my daily life (sadly the cause of this appears to be the multiple surgery’s I had) I am refusing to go any further down the medical side, the only options being hysterectomy or the contraceptive pill. So I am turning to steaming, combined with shamanic womb healing treatments, so far the difference is incredible and I am just at the start of the journey. My periods are more manageable, the pain is less severe and they are definitely less heavy. I am so excited for how it continues. I wish I had known about steaming long ago and feel passionately that every woman from teen to post menopause should know about it and use it, as our ancestors did, perhaps women wouldn’t end up, like I did with so many issues if they steamed…this is my hope and dream to be able to help people like me.
Additional Wellness Services:
Postpartum Care Services
Massage Therapist
Beauty Treatments