Steam Story: I first heard of steaming around 2016 and although if interested me I did t actually start steaming personally until 2018 after the
Peristeam Facilitator Practitioners
Reflections from the steam box.
Steam Story: Vaginal steaming has been such a blessing in my life since I started. When I first started, my main goal was to energetically
Steam Story: About a year ago I took an amazing Holistic Postpartum Doula training. That is where I’ve heard about all the wonderful rituals that
Steam Story: I found steaming through my Holistic OBG/YN because I am prone to infections and had constant discharge. She suggested it so I could
Steam Story: I discovered steaming for the first time many years ago while watching a documentary that included a segment on the First Born Ceremony
Steam Story: My very first V-Steam experience took place in Seoul, South Korea in 2015. I was there visiting my mother for the summer and
Steam Story: My mother, sister, and I would always go to spas and get VSteams for self wellness. We went so often that we decided
Steam Story: I first discovered the radical healing properties of steam back in 2014 at a Korean spa. For almost a decade, I had experienced
Steam Story: I am so excited to offer steaming as a part of my womens health focused acupuncture practice. I love that there are so
Steam Story: I had gone through a very emotionally tumultuous situation in my relationship and was trying to get back on track both mentally and
Steam Story: I’ve been struggling with infertility for over five years. I’ve been through so many different doctors and treatments and nothing seemed to be
Steam Story: I found out through studies of chinese medicine, but learned more through Kelli from Steamy Chick. I went through her program for acupuncturists
Steam Story: I found vaginal steaming in 2018 through a colleague. I knew immediately it was something I wanted to study further and to explore
Steam Story: From July 2017 until September 2019 I had been going back and forth to the doctor for heavy bleeding and PAINFUL cramps. I
Steam Story: I learned about vaginal steaming while receiving Esthetics services from a other Esthetician. After I researched & tried it out for myself, I
Steam Story: Aloha, I first found out about vaginal steaming when I was struggling with getting pregnant,was diagnosed as Having unexplained infertility. An advanced steam
Steam Story: I first discovered vaginal steaming almost 20 years ago when a Chinese Medicine practitioner prescribed it for me. It was very powerful and
Steam Story: I started steaming two years ago after coming off hormonal birth control for my PCOS. For nearly eight years, I was on the
Steam Story: In 2018 I attend Sacred Waters Retreat, a herbal retreat for women of color. I experienced my first steam there and some information
Steam Story: I found out about steaming a few years ago. I was working in a hospital-based clinic and a few patients asked about steaming
Steam Story: I was searching for natural help with infections, like yeast and UTI. That´s how I found Keli and her education at steamy chick.
Steam Story: Was introduced to steaming to help regulate my cycle after an IUD. After 3 months, I was hooked. I want to offer this
Steam Story: I offer vaginal care to show women there are other alternatives to vaginal wellness
Steam Story: I suffered with menstrual and female issue majority of my life. After having my third child, doctor’s told me, “Just get a hysterectomy”
Steam Story: I first found out about vaginal steaming when researching alternative methods of healing after being misdiagnosed for years at my gyn office &
Steam Story: I found out about vaginal steaming while researching ways to assist my adult daughter in trying to ease her discomfort associated with her
Steam Story: I started steaming after the birth of my first child. It gave me a lot of relief initially as I was healing with
Steam Story: I woke up in 2018. This partially means I began to acknowledge my African roots and my life has changed significantly since. I
Steam Story: I learned about vaginal steaming during my second pregnancy in a postpartum care class. I needed to know more and decided to study
Steam Story: Jessica is the Owner of For The Love Of Yoni’s LLC. She offers vaginal steaming as well as other holistic products. Jessica’s desire