Steam Story:
I first discovered steaming while taking a Mayan Abdominal massage class. It was such an ancient practice and yet one that I had only heard about at that point. I had my first steam and I was so intrigued that I had to know more. When I dug deeper, thanks to the Steamy Chick educational resources, after 2.5 years, I was finally able to lengthen my short cycles to a perfect flow, pain-free, 29 days – in just one month of steaming! I was hooked! So of course, I immediately started in on my Acupuncture Steam Therapist certification. I am so happy to be able to share this amazing and accessible healing practice and I hope it can help you as much as it has helped me.
Additional Wellness Services:
Massage Therapist
Postpartum Care Services
Abdominal Massage