Steam Story:
Vaginal steaming has been such a blessing in my life since I started. When I first started, my main goal was to energetically clear my womb. Steaming has done that for me and so much more! I’ve always been interested in learning all the holistic ways to achieve healing and health using herbs and other healing modalities.
When I started doing my own vaginal steams and learning through Steamy Chick, it was like a fire had been reignited inside of me. I felt so empowered, mentally clear, a stronger connection to myself, relaxed, and safe. I want to teach other women how to really acknowledge and care for their wombs, learn their menstrual cycles, reconnect with their intuition, and feminine energy. Our wombs hold so much knowledge that we are typically taught to ignore-it’s time to start listening. Vaginal steaming is a self-love practice you can do right from your own home.
Learning to heal through holistic methods is what I consider Old School Love. Old school love is gentle, its kind, and it takes it’s time- This type of love has the most profound, long lasting effects, that can heal generations.
Additional Wellness Services:
Energy Healing