Steam Story:
I started having crazy debilitating periods in 2014 (extreme cramps, nausea, hot flashes, vomiting… the works), and was utterly frustrated by the limited “solutions” that doctors offered me. Basically, I was told my only choice was to take oral contraceptives, because I “might” have endometriosis. I tried every alternative and natural remedy I could find, but still didn’t have consistent relief. I heard about vaginal steaming from a friend who worked at the local hippie shop in my town, and though I really enjoyed the practice, it also didn’t give me the results I was looking for, because what she had told me was pretty non-specific.
It wasn’t until I stumbled upon Steamy Chick’s website that I found what I was actually looking for: someone offering steam supplies who CLEARLY had tons of experience & detailed knowledge of the modality – plus information about how to use it for each woman’s unique conditions. The free resources available on her site gave me enough to get started with herbs and a basic protocol that I knew would be safe for me.
After my first cycle of steaming, my period was glorious. I had a massive clot release during my menses, and my cramps were SO mild compared to what I had been dealing with. I pretty much decided right then to pursue certification, because I saw how once a woman has the information about how to use the modality, she is immediately empowered. She has the opportunity to reclaim her feminine health, through a totally natural, non-invasive practice.
In all transparency, my period hasn’t been “perfect” since I started steaming; it has definitely fluctuated, and I’m always learning more about my body (mostly through the additional courses in the Peristeam Hydrotherapist program!), but steaming has continued to be hugely supportive for me on this journey.