Steam Story:
I learned about vaginal steaming a few years ago and was told it could relieve my period cramps. At the time, my period was so disruptive that my life was invaded each month by terrible cramps, back pain, PMS mood swings, not wanting to go to work, etc. We didn’t have a v-steam practitioner in my city so I found herbs online and steamed at home. After a few steams my period came without any cramps, no pain and my flow wasn’t as heavy as it had been before. Then I learned that steaming could clear BV, which I had struggled with on and off for years. So I ordered disinfecting herbs, followed the recommended steam plan and also like a miracle, the BV cleared up too. These 2 instances were life changing for me! Because of my experience, I got certified so that I can help other women achieve the same, and even better results than I did.
Additional Wellness Services: