Steam Story:
I originally heard about pelvic steaming during my graduate studies of traditional Chinese medicine while learning about herbs and their uses. When I graduated and began to specialize in pregnancy and postpartum health I took a course put on by a colleague of mine and I started steaming to lengthen my periods as they had began to get shorter after the birth of my 2nd daughter to around 23 days. After steaming a few times my following period lengthened to 27 days! I fell in love with this relaxing and gentle yet effective modality and have studied it more in depth and now use it in conjunction with acupuncture and herbs for the patients and clients I have the honor to serve who report wonderful results from balancing their cycles, increased fertility and libido, relief from infections, to postpartum healing and relaxation. My mission is to empower individuals by teaching tools like steaming to help with complex symptoms as an alternative, and in addition, to the limited options that the current dominant medical model has to offer.
Additional Wellness Services:
Postpartum Care Services