Steam Story:
Miko White, Owner/Operator of Mena Steams LLC.
Mena Steams was established by Miko in 2018 after she suffered continuous issues concerning her reproductive health. With little to no success from Western medicinal methods, she went back to her roots of natural remedies.
Inspired by her Mother’s holistic herbal practices, Miko is carrying on and applying her Mothers knowledge to her lifestyle as well as adding her own.
Miko is now a Yoni Steam Facilitator. Also known as V-Steaming. Case studies have proven Steam therapy to be instrumental in soothing and opening up nasal passages, thinning mucus from the lungs and much more. Miko utilizes this steam method to target the uterus to aide in detoxing the womb.
This natural method among other natural services she offers have aided her and others she serves into Clearer Minds! Stronger Bodies! Healthier Spirits! and Purified Souls!
Her passion is helping, serving and sharing her knowledge with others.
For more about Mena Steams
Additional Wellness Services:
Holistic Health Practitioner