Steam Story:
I learned about about vaginal steaming through Herbalist, Author, Earth Intuitive, Asia Suler. I took her Pussy Portal class in 2021, and vaginal steaming was one of the many healing integrative practices taught to reconnect with and heal the womb. I’ve loved learning more specifics about the history and benefits through Keli’s courses. I’ve personally benefited from noticeable shifts in more regular cycles, clearing of stagnation, trauma release, hormone balance, and nervous system regulation. As an Ayurvedic Health Consultant and bodyworker, I share vaginal steaming with my clients to help them come into tune with their wombs and balance their cycles and nervous systems.
Additional Wellness Services:
Massage Therapist
Abdominal Massage
Craniosacral Therapy
Ayurvedic Practitioner
Holistic Health Practitioner
Energy Healing