Steam Story:
It wasn’t until my daughter was 3 months old that I realized I was not experiencing “normal” postpartum healing. I could hardly walk up/down stairs. My midwife diagnosed me with pubic symphysis diastasis (PSD). My pelvis separated at birth and was not healing on its own. Fortunately, my midwife had her own experiences with PSD and referred me to a chiropractor who specializes in postpartum healing and is knowledgeable/experienced with PSD. In my online searching to find further relief, I came upon the steamy chick site. I thought ‘this could be really helpful!’. I quickly found herbs that would be strengthening to damaged cartilage. I couldn’t believe how amazing and relaxing it felt… and sure enough, after a few sessions, I was having less and less pelvic pain. After about 6 weeks of steaming (usually twice a week), the pain totally subsided. I am so grateful I came upon this ancient and forgotten practice. and I am so thankful for Keli @steamychick researching & sharing this ancient knowledge in accessible courses. I feel it is my kuleana to learn more and share about pelvic steaming to help heal our reproductive systems and pass this therapeutic self-care tool on to our kin.
Additional Wellness Services:
Postpartum Care Services
Intuitive Healer