Steam Story:
I believe that the answer for healing lays within us. I offer consultations and herbal remedies within a hollistic approach to support yoni health and cyclic awareness.
Additional Wellness Services:
I believe that the answer for healing lays within us. I offer consultations and herbal remedies within a hollistic approach to support yoni health and cyclic awareness.
Additional Wellness Services:
Health Concern: I had a hysterectomy to cervical cancer, after the hysterectomy I suffered from a crashed libido, vaginal dryness and uncomfortable sex. Improvements
Health Concern: I started seeking information on Vaginal Steaming as a general health and maintenance practice for parts of my body that are rarely addressed
Health Concern: Stagnation Improvements Since Steaming: Cramping used to be horrible, now i have no cramping Source: Pelvic Steam Testimonial Database
The following courses are recommended if you prefer not to work with a practitioner and want to learn what is necessary to start your own self-practice at home. Everything you need to start your own self-care steam practice is included.