Steam Story:
I first heard about yoni steaming through a celebrity interview (but it didn’t really land), then heard about it again in a women’s business group, and was specifically referred to the SteamyChick website. The time was right.I was impressed with the self-directed user information, how accessible (and world-wide) the practice is, how versatile steaming is, and how much information and how many resources the website offered. When I learned that there was an acupuncturist-led course, I jumped at the chance to integrate steaming into my practice. I started with a home set up and a package of SteamyChick herbs and after a few steams knew I wanted to study this as well as make it part of my personal wellness routine. Because I treat a wide age-range of women, steaming has the potential to support them throughout their cycle and as their cycle changes or stops. And because so many patients schedule appointments around their cycle, it makes sense to offer them more options to experience a healthier one.
Additional Wellness Services: