Steam Story:
I discovered steaming when it was offered to me, by my Acupuncturist, to help with my menstrual cramping. Though I, myself am an Acupuncturist, and heard of steaming many years ago; I had never come across anyone that offered the services. Once I started doing the steaming, I started to see positive changes with my periods: less cramping, less clots, no brown discharge. I was so thrilled with the improvements I had that I decided to get certified so that I could treat myself, and others, with this amazingly effective modality. I have a private room where I practice Acupuncture and will set up for steaming by the fall of 2020. I have had success working with patients through consultations and guiding them to steam at home as well. It is an honor, and a pleasure, to be practicing such a beautifully effective treatment and to share it with others.
Additional Wellness Services: