Steam Story:
Before I found vaginal steaming, my only tools were talking and touching. Touch is very powerful when it comes to feeling yourself in your body and it is an important key in my work. But for many women, being touched by another person or even touching themselves is not an option. In addition, bodywork sessions are expensive and if you want to change something, you have to integrate what is helping on a regular basis. Steaming is great because it is a gentle, low-level way to feel, relax and enjoy your pelvis and yoni and to embody as a woman.
Another reason is that the longer I work on women’s sexual health the more I recognize how complex the topic is and how important it is to approach it holistically. I wanted to know more about the body, deeply understand what the menstrual cycle is and be able to offer more answers to my clients.
Additional Wellness Services:
Naturopathic Doctor
Massage Therapist
Abdominal Massage
“Sex Educator
Somatic Therapist