Steam Story:
Years ago I came across the website and the rest is history. I was so impressed. It all started over 45 years ago when I had my first child and knew there had to be a better way. I became active with LaLeche League and became a leader. I used midwives before it was popular and we started a milkbank at Northshore Hospital in NYS because the closest one to us was Maryland and we needed one in NYS. We were a group of pro active woman who supported each other, that is what I like most about SteamyChick we support each other. Unbeknown to me then that was the start of my journey. Today I have a PhD in Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist and Licensed Massage Therapist. I have been in practice over 35 years and now in the process of starting a free clinic for first responders and PTSD. Life is an amazing journey.
Additional Wellness Services:
Holistic Health Practitioner
Postpartum Care Services
Craniosacral Therapy
Massage Therapist
Scar Release Therapy