Steam Story:
While living in Turkey, my yoga instructor began selling yoni steaming herbs, but I didn’t try it for myself until I experienced a traditional Mayan Abdominal Massage in the summer of 2018. Before the massage, I sat for a vaginal steaming session and the practitioner emphasized the importance of maintaining self-massage and steaming as a personal care practice.
Steaming has been the last piece of my period puzzle. Becoming vegan relieved me of cramping and long, painful periods, becoming a mother relieved me of absent periods, but the last component to support my period coming regularly on a monthly basis has been vaginal steaming.
The way women suffer unnecessarily due to menstrual issues, traumatic birth experiences, and overall pain connected to their experience of womanhood makes my heart ache. This work is an offering of healing and a powerful gateway to a wider understanding of feminine power, fertility, holistic healing, and making space for wellness and pleasure for women.
The engineer in me is always seeking efficiency, and I’m consistently amazed by how much steaming alone can accomplish before making all of the lifestyle changes like dietary shifts, fitness, rest, and setting healthy boundaries.
Additional Wellness Services:
Postpartum Care Services