Steam Story:
My journey with Yoni Steaming & setting my womb’s health high up in my priorities started in March 2019. Menstruation was such a painful experience and impacted my sanity & inner peace and as well as people surrounding me every 40-45 days for many years.
I started looking, searching, reading, conversing, learning about traditional & ancestral ways to connect with my matrice and I came across Keli Garza & Steamy Chick on Youtube at the end of 2018. My priority through the process of discovering this thousands of years old practice was to listen carefully to my body’s responses about Vaginal Steaming. I had the green light from within! I enrolled for Peristeam Hydrotherapy through the Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute in March 2019. I am now a Vaginal Steam Facilitator (April 2019) and in training to become a Peristeam Hydrotherapist.
The first month studying with the Institute gave me so much knowledge about uterine health that even without steaming yet (I didn’t have a stool and wanted to start comfortably), my whole bleeding experience was different.
I went from 10/10 on the pain scale to a 5 (yes!) only by understanding what was going on in my body. I could support & encourage the cleanse of my uterus with gentleness and patience, it was magical, it was empowering…
When I started steaming, it got even more exciting. I started developing a strong and healthy relationship with my uterus, remembering my cyclic nature again in all consciousness…
This journey transformed me so much that I could not stay silent and not share it with women here! I feel honored to be sharing this ancestral practice with women here on the island. Vaginal steaming has been present on our land for centuries through traditional midwives who use it as a postpartum practice here.
Ask your mothers or grandmothers…
In remembrance of our ancestors and their wisdom, Gratitude.
Additional Wellness Services:
Intuitive Healer
Energy Healing