Steam Story:
My first time steaming was at a Korean Sauna after having my second child. I didn’t really understand the benefits back then so I only steamed once. Later as my life got more stressful juggling work, family and the world and years of unhealed trauma, I noticed my monthly period flow getting heavier. I began having clots, breast cysts and frequent yeast infections. I then had my first consultation with a practitioner trainer by steamychicks and it literally changed my life. No more clots, frequent infections and I was having shorter, lighter periods. I understood from that point forward that I didn’t have suffer with all these symptoms just because my doctor said it was normal. I got trained as a facilitator and the rest is history. I believe EVERY woman should know about steaming what there body SHOULD be doing and that there are real practical non invasive solutions for them to heal their wombs.
Additional Wellness Services: