Steam Story:
Connecting in a healthy way to our womb, our menses, our sacred time of cleansing, and to this precious part of our body, is how we as female bodied folk can own who we are on this planet. Our wombspace, whether we still have a uterus or not, is our center of creation both physically and energetically. Steaming is a revolutionary act to reclaim who we are as potent and powerful beings, and heals us on many levels. Through steaming, we take control of our bodies; we empower ourselves and each other to find the stories held deep in our psyches that revolve around this part of our body, allowing us to stand with courage in whatever decisions that we must make for our pelvic health, and for our creative directives. Sisters, let’s DO THIS!
I offer services in English, and in American Sign Language.
Additional Wellness Services:
Massage Therapist