Author: Yu Jin, M.D.
key words: vulvar dystrophy, prolapse, vaginitis
Author: Yu Jin, M.D.
key words: vulvar dystrophy, prolapse, vaginitis
Contributor: Kris Gonzalez, L.Ac
Health Concern: Post miscarriage my cycles were out of balance, passing big clots, heavy bleeding. Cycles became irregular and with emotion. Improvements Since Steaming:
Health Concern: My period was missing and I was suffering with persistent and reoccurring infections. When I did have my period I had debilitating cramps.
Health Concern: I had a vaginal cyst that fully covered the vaginal opening. Improvements Since Steaming: The cyst literally fell out of my body.
The following courses are recommended if you prefer not to work with a practitioner and want to learn what is necessary to start your own self-practice at home. Everything you need to start your own self-care steam practice is included.