Steam User Sharon1972
Health Concern: To improve sexual life, regulate menses cycle, cleansing via steaming, deodorant to feel confident and for personal hygiene. Improvements Since Steaming: I
Yi-Li Wu
Contributor: Kris Gonzalez, L.Ac www.thewayofyin.com
Health Concern: To improve sexual life, regulate menses cycle, cleansing via steaming, deodorant to feel confident and for personal hygiene. Improvements Since Steaming: I
Health Concern: I have had chronic UTI’s and Bacterial Vaginosis my entire life that was always only treated with antibiotics by gynaecologists over and over again
Health Concern: Healing from birth and hemorrhoids Improvements Since Steaming: The steaming reduced my hemorrhoids so hugely. During the time before steaming I could
The following courses are recommended if you prefer not to work with a practitioner and want to learn what is necessary to start your own self-practice at home. Everything you need to start your own self-care steam practice is included.