Zhibin Zhang and Paul Unschuld

Steam User 1V7V79
Health Concern: Extreme Endometriosis pain and heavy bleeding Improvements Since Steaming: I now have a regular 28 day cycle, with no clots and only
Zhibin Zhang and Paul Unschuld
Contributor: Kris Gonzalez, L.Ac www.thewayofyin.com
Health Concern: Extreme Endometriosis pain and heavy bleeding Improvements Since Steaming: I now have a regular 28 day cycle, with no clots and only
Health Concern: I wanted to decrease or eliminate pre- and post-menstrual spotting Improvements Since Steaming: I’ve noticed fewer days of pre- and post-menstrual spotting
Health Concern: My husband and I were trying to have a baby and had several years of miscarriage and no success. I thought my endometriosis
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