Author: Steamy Chick
Published: February 14, 2017
Vaginal steaming, an ancient practice used in many places around the world has several applications. Most commonly, it is used for postpartum care and treating gynecological issues. However, in a small Kenyan tribe, the women have a different use. According to an expert midwife who studied in the region, the Maasai men are hunters and leave for long periods of time. To prepare for their return, the women of the tribe steam with jasmine flowers tightening the vaginal canal and sweetening the scent for increased sexual pleasure.
Based on some of the feedback here at the Steamy Chick headquarters, it has become clear that the sexual benefits of vaginal steaming is not only limited to the Masaai. One of my clients, at the age of 68, complained of a low libido. After her first steam she reported that she could feel her womb again (and hadn’t even noticed that it was numb beforehand). After the second steam–bingo. Her libido woke up “like a lion”. She called and said that her boyfriend thanks me.
Last year, a man purchased a steam saunas as a birthday present for his wife. A couple months later I had the chance to talk to him. “More men should buy these for their wives. It benefits us men too ya know.” I bet. His wife confirmed that sex was better than ever.
On another instance, a customer confided that she and her husband had sex after her first steam session and they had to write it down in the calendar. I asked why. “Because it was epic and we don’t ever want to forget it. We’ve been married 30 years and it hasn’t ever been like that.”
It appears that, as the Masaai discovered long ago, turning up the steam…well…makes things get hot. I guess that makes perfect sense.
About the Author
Keli Garza has a Masters degree in International Development graduating cum laude. Garza is the owner of Steamy Chick and the Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute.