Author: Steamy Chick
Published: May 11, 2019
10 ways to show mother’s we love them all year round.
1 Moms to the Front
If there is a mother with her children in line behind you let her go in front of you. Simply tell her you believe all mom’s should go to the front and get behind her in line.
2 Support Women in Business
Put money in mother’s pockets. You can do this by supporting women in business. Generously tip your waitress; find female salespeople, real estate agents, loan officers, landscapers, construction companies, caterers. Any job where the person gets commission or where you pay them outright, hire a woman.
(If she’s not a mother, it’s still a win because you’re helping to close the pay gap.)
3 Call the Midwife
A midwife is a pediatrician, gynecologist, obstetrician, herbalist and caring friend all wrapped up into one – (and they come over to your house)! A mother should have weekly midwife home visits for the first six weeks after giving birth.
If a mother you know didn’t get midwifery care (no matter how long ago she gave birth) book a midwifery home visit now. Most long-term birth injuries or side effects (i.e. scar tissue, prolapse, incontinence, headaches, menstrual and menopause symptoms) can be addressed or improved with natural remedies offered by midwives. If they can’t help they will refer you to someone who can. A midwifery visit is a good first step to finding the resources mom needs to get her body back after birth. It’s never too late.
4 Pay for a Postpartum Doula
The best “babyshower” or “push gift” a woman can ever be given would be a postpartum doula. A postpartum doula is simply there to support the mother. She does cooking, cleaning, massages, herbal baths, baby care, errand running — every mom needs one.
If expense is an issue consider a crowdfunding campaign. We also need foundations and charities established that will help pay postpartum doula fees.
5 Vaginal Steaming
Vaginal steaming, an all natural herbal remedy has been used since ancient times in every corner of the world for postpartum care. Modern case studies and research has shown that steaming accelerates postpartum recovery. A mother can do-it-herself at home or find a vaginal steam practitioner to work with.
6 Respect the Menstrual Cycle
Support women and girls during their periods.
Stop ignoring women when they are in pain.
Allow menstruators to rest from their normal activities.
If they have any pain or negative side effects it is not normal. Get her help. Book a menstrual cycle analysis with a Peristeam Hydrotherapist.
7 Ask Her What She Wants
Ask her what she wants. Create space for her to be honest. And then give that to her.
8 Create a Motherhood Trust Fund for Your Children
When a girl child is born a motherhood savings fund should be established for her so that she has financial security for her maternity leave. (This should function similar to the way college or trust funds are set up).
The simplest way to create this savings account is when it comes from the parents of the girl. We also need government programs, charities, employers and trust funds to have a wide variety of support options in cases where a mother-to-be doesn’t have a motherhood savings.
9 Pay Mothers for Their Work
Mother’s should not be expected to work for free. Whatever the going rate for childcare is, that should be the bare minimum a stay-at-home mother should receive as a weekly stipend. The time she spends raising her own children is worth at least as much as that of an outside childcare provider. Arguably it’s worth much more because she is their mother.
10 Give Her Gifts That Keep Giving
Make appreciation a regular practice.